- M.J. Lawley and J. Steel. Practical Declarative Model Transformation With Tefkat In Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, LNCS Vol. 3844. Jamaica, October 2-7, 2005. (pdf, pdf, slides)
- A. Metke. Change propagation in the MDA: A model merging approach Master's thesis, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland (2005). (pdf)
- J. Steel and M.J. Lawley. Model-Based Test Driven Development of the Tefkat Model-Transformation Engine. In Proc. 15th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliabililty Engineering (ISSRE). Saint-Malo, France. November 2004. (pdf)
- M.J. Lawley, K. Duddy, A. Gerber, and K. Raymond. Language Features for Re-Use and Maintainability of MDA Transformations. In OOPSLA workshop on Best Practices for Model-Driven Software Development. Vancouver, Canada. October 2004. (pdf)
- R.M. Colomb, A. Gerber, and M. Lawley. Issues in Mapping Metamodels in the Ontology Development Metamodel. In EDOC workshop on Model-Driven Semantic Web (MDSW). Monterey, USA. September 2004. (pdf)
- K. Duddy, A. Gerber, M.J. Lawley, K. Raymond, J. Steel. Declarative Transformation for Object-Oriented Models. In Transformation of Knowledge, Information, and Data: Theory and Applications, edited by P. Van Bommel. (pdf)
- CBOP, DSTC, IBM. MOF Query/Views/Transformations, 2nd Revised Submission. (pdf)
- K. Duddy, A. Gerber, M.J. Lawley, K. Raymond, J. Steel. Model Transformation: A Declarative, Reusable Patterns Approach. In Proceedings 7th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2003), pp 174-185. (pdf)
- CBOP, DSTC, IBM.MOF Query/Views/Transformations, Revised Submission. (pdf)
- K. Duddy, A. Gerber, M.J. Lawley, K. Raymond, and J. Steel. Modelware for middleware. In 1st Workshop on Model-driven Approaches to Middleware Applications Development, MAMAD 2003, Middleware Workshops, pages 277-281, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2003. (pdf)
- DSTC, IBM. MOF Query/Views/Transformations, Initial Submission. (pdf)
- A. Gerber, M.J. Lawley, K. Raymond, J. Steel, A. Wood. Transformation: The Missing Link of MDA. In Proceedings 1st International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2002), pp 90-105. (pdf)