Ensure you have installed Tefkat properly and that you
are familiar with creating EMF models.
Getting Started
Create a new Simple project and add folders called
"models", "instances", and "transformations".
- Bring up the new project dialog.
Expand "Simple" and select "Project". Click the "Next" button.
Give the project a name, say, "transformation". Click the "Finish"
Bring up the new folder dialog.
Name the folder then click the "Finish" button.
Repeat for the "instances" and "transformations" folders.
Create the source and target metamodels "simpleuml.ecore" and
"relational.ecore" and save them in the "models" folder.
Create a new file called "uml2rel.qvt" and save it in the "transformations" folder.
This version, "uml2rel2.qvt", is the same transformation but using the alternate object literal syntax.
TRANSFORMATION uml2rel : uml -> rel
NAMESPACE http://simpleuml
NAMESPACE http://relational
// Produces a Table and Key for each persistent UMLClass.
RULE Class2Table(c, t, k)
WHERE c.kind = "persistent"
MAKE Table t, Key k
SET =, t.key = k, =
// Produces Columns belonging to a Table for
// each persistent UMLClass with storable Attributes.
RULE Attr2Column(c, a, t, k, col)
EXTENDS Class2Table(c, t, k)
FORALL Attribute a
WHERE hasAttr(c, a, n)
MAKE Column col FROM c4a(c,a,n)
SET = n,
t.column = col
// Immediate Attributes of a UMLClass that are primary have
// their corresponding Column as part of the Table's Key.
RULE KeyColumns(c, a, t, k, col)
EXTENDS Attr2Column(c, a, t, k, col)
WHERE a.kind = "primary" AND
inhAttr(c, a)
SET col.belongsTo = k
// An Attribute is "storable" if it is a simple type (PrimitiveDataType),
// or it is UMLClass-valued and that UMLClass is persistent.
PATTERN storable(A)
FORALL Attribute A
C = A.type AND
PrimitiveDataType C
(UMLClass C AND A.type.kind = "persistent")
// A UMLClass "inherits" an Attribute if it owns it directly,
// or it has a superclass that "inherits" the Attribute.
// [Note - other's mapping examples ignore this, but what is a
// "class" model without inheritance?]
PATTERN inhAttr(C, A)
FORALL UMLClass C, Attribute A, UMLClass C2
A.owner = C
(C.parents = C2 AND inhAttr(C2, A))
// This pattern is used to handle so-called "complex types".
// A UMLClass "has" and Attribute with a fully qualified name
// if it "inherits" the attribute and the attribute is storable,
// or it "inherits" another UMLClass-valued attribute for which the
// UMLClass is not persistent (ie a complex type) and that UMLClass
// "has" the attribute.
// This will cycle if two non-persistent UMLClasses transitively
// reference each other.
PATTERN hasAttr(C, A, N)
FORALL UMLClass C, Attribute A
inhAttr(C, A) AND
storable(A) AND = N
inhAttr(C, A2) AND
A2.type = C2 AND
C2.kind != "persistent" AND
hasAttr(C2, A, N2) AND
N = append(, append("_", N2))
Because we haven't generated code for the meta-models and installed the resulting plugins, we need to tell Tefkat (EMF) where to find the meta-models when the model instances are loaded.
- Open Eclipse's Preferences and select "Tefkat".
- Click "Add".
- Enter the source meta-model's URI (http://simpleuml) in the "URI Source" field and the corresponding file's URI (platform:/resource/transformation/models/simpleuml.ecore) in the "URI Target" field.
- Repeat for the target meta-model.
Create a Tefkat Configuration and edit to specify the inputs and outputs for Tefkat to run the transformation.
- Right-click on the project and select "New>Other..."
- In "Example EMF Model Creation Wizards" select "TefkatConfig model" and click "Next".
- Enter the filename a click "Next".
- In the drop-down for "Model Object" select "Configuration" then click "Finish". The new document shoud open automatically.
- Click on the disclosure triangle to expose the "Configuration"
- Right-click on the "Configuration" element and select "New Child" ->
"Transformation Task".
- Right-click on the "Transformation Task" element and select "New Child" ->
"Transformation Model".
Repeat for "Source Models Model", and "Target Models Model".
- Right-click on the "Transformation Task" element and select "Show
Properties View".
- Select each of "transformation", "sourceModels", and "targetModels",
and set their values appropriately in the
"Properties View". (Leave the "Var Group" property unset.)
- Select the "Transformation Task" element and change the value of the
"Enabled" property from "false" to "true".
Save the document "uml2rel.tefkatconfig".
Create an Eclipse launch configuration to run the transformation.
- In the "Run" menu, open the Run dialog.
- Select "Tefkat" and create a new launch configuration.
- Click "Browse..." and naviagte to then choose the previously created Tefkat configuration file, "uml2rel.tefkatconfig".
- Click "OK" and then click "Run".