Tefkat implements a state-of-the-art declarative model transformation language suitable for Model-Driven Development (MDD) and data transformation. It is implemented as an Eclipse plugin that leverages the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) to handle models based on MOF, UML2, and XML Schema. Unlike XSLT, Tefkat has a simple and familiar SQL-like syntax, is specifically designed for writing scalable and re-usable transformation specifications using high-level domain concepts rather than operating directly on XML syntax.

You can download the Eclipse plugin. The source code is available from the subversion repository on SourceForge.

Tefkat implements an improved version of the model in DSTC's second revised submission to the OMG's MOF Query/Views/Transformations RFP.

We have also developed a concrete syntax for this language designed to simplify certain aspects of the language. The grammar can be found here, and there is a tutorial that shows a simple example and how to use the plugin.

The Tefkat plugin includes a syntax-aware editor and a source-level debugger and integrates with the Eclipse launching framework.

The University of Queensland MDAVV project[*] has a web interface to the Tefkat engine.

[*] Model-Driven Architecture with support for Verification and Validation